Saturday, May 31, 2014

Buenos Aires - Without Words

More pics of Argentina's capital on my german blog

The Pink Palace

Things that might happen when a Nation's President is female.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ruta 8 in Paraguay...

...can be a muddy affaire after a couple of days of rain.

On the Road on Ruta 8 in Paraguay. 

And this is where the blue truck planned to spend the night. Camping Municipal in the Ciudad Iturbe. I know I have been a smart ass on "Water Crossings", I admit. Camping here would require much more than a snorkel on the Toyota. Being Swiss I maybe should have set off in a Rinspeed Squba... or an even better choice: A submarine, either might do the trick. 

The only Hotel in town was nice and agreeable alternative. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tango Nights and More

Stay tuned! There is much more to see here soon. When...

...I take you on a ride in the fantastic capital of Argentina.

Coming soon! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Come along!

To a spooky walk.

On the Cementerio Recoleta in Buenos Aires.

Click HERE to get to a series of pictures taken during an afternoon at the site where many famous Argentians rest. 

Those Nights...

...finding a spot at the sea side, where no campground is and where no hotel or any other human built structures have appeared yet are just priceless. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Job Opportunities

Maybe when I am back home I could get a job as a professional dog-walker?

Friday, May 16, 2014

Classic Cars on the Panamericana

I am working on a new photo gallery.

Soon you'll get a link here... many pictures of tired road side finds,

...some still going strong 70ties classics...

...old Fords...

...French imigrants...

...many air cooled...

...VWs that are still hold together...

...USA american beauties from the 50ties...

...Juvels from the peak of the British car industry...

...retired gas guzzlers...

...Fire trucks...

...Arizona desert finds...

...early RV's and school busses...

...Deluxe versions...

...colorful beasts...

...some Kübelwagens...

...british Motor Heritage...

...well kept V8's

...rare Opel's...

...classic trucks...

...more Frenchies...

...war veterans...

...italian racers...



....classic executive class...

...daily runners...

...and much, much more. Bear with me, it'll take some time to sort through all of them, as I have taken pictures of hundreds of classic cars since I have started my trip in New Jersey. But soon it will come: A brand new gallery with nothing but Classic Cars.

For another first pre-view selection of classic cars on the Americas visit my german blog, HERE.