Thursday, June 9, 2011


Up in the mountains near Caribou Lake I got stuck, the snow was actually not too bad but I hit a soft patch unterneath the melting snow full of soft mud. First I got my boards out and under the wheels but did not manage to get it out, so I unpacked my swiss made Habegger winch, with the help of some British Columbia Timber that stood strong I pulled it out. I was kind of pissed when it all happend, however as I was backing up and finally settled in my camp, after a hot shower and a cold beer, I was very happy with my equipment to have been able to handle it all on my own without depending on help of others or the luxury of another vehicle traveling with me.


  1. Hallo liebe Thomas

    Ha, da hätt sich das alles doch würkli uszahlt! Mag mi no guet dra erinnere, wie du dir do über sone Situation Gedanke gmacht häsch:-). Und du bisch pissed gsi?? Das isch ja ganz öppis Neus;-). Susch, alles klar bi dir? Hoffe, din Trip id Schwiz hät sich glohnt und s'isch schön gsi. Hoffe, dich s'nöchscht Mal z'gseh.

    Ganz en liebe Gruess, Nicole

  2. out in the wild, looks like fun! well done
