This is what it looked like today staring through the blue trucks windshield.
And yes, on the southern hemisphere it is still supposed to be summer. Believe it or not, the blue truck has finally set wheels on the island of Tierra del Fuego, yesterday that was and rolled into Argentina's most southern City, Ushuaia today.
With temperatures around 0°C during the day, strong winds and, yes, a whole lot of wet snow... the crew of the Toyota has decided to trade the pop-up first floor bedroom of the blue truck for a heated hotel room. May the overlander-camping Gods forgive us. - And we hope that Fabio, the hitch-hiker from Bergamo, Italy, who found shelter and a ride aboard the blue truck to Ushuaia is safe, warm and dry, where ever he rolls out his sleeping bag.
Greetings from very close to the end of the road and very close to the southern end of the Americas.
Stay warm!