Friday, July 15, 2011

Dirty old man

"Man! You are all full of mud!" says the guy who runs the small museum at McCarthy. A small village within the boundries of the largest National Park of the United States, Wrangell-St. Elias. To get to McCarthy and up to the Kenncott mines and further on to the Glacier you have to park your vehicle and cross the McCarthy footbridge and take a tour from there. Me, not being to keen on organized tours, decide to ride my bike instead. About six miles up the Hill to the mines, another probably 3 or so to the glacier. The last couple of miles I hike, just no way to ride the steep slope. In the evening I ride my bike down the hill. As the Ranger said up at the Kenncott mines: "you'll have the best part ahead of you."

However, that best part included to get very muddy too. So by the time I roll into McCarthy where I stop to scare the guy running the little museum I am covered in mud. Eventually I arrive at the blue truck, very dirty and very happy with another fantastic day of my trip almost behind me.

McCarthy Airport was not too busy when I passed by.