Friday, August 31, 2012


Since this month the total on clicks on this blog will hit a total of 15'000, I thought I am going to give you some statistics of what you as a reader, follower, fan or accidential surfer liked best so far.

The Top Ten:

Popular topless blondes...
1. The blue truck meets the big truck

The five month with the most clicks:

...more popular, big trucks

1. March 2012 with 1'065 clicks
2. August 2012 with 1'038 clicks
3. July 2012 with 1'008 clicks
4. June 2011 with 960 clicks
5. July 2011 with 910 clicks

75'772 times the photos in the galleries have been clicked until today. The most popular photo galleries:

Construction of the blue truck
1. The Cruiser - 19'410 clicks
2. Baja California - 5'772 clicks
3. Road Warriors - 4'904 clicks
4. USA - Florida - 4'118 clicks
5. Nicaragua - 3'166 clicks

My German Blog has been visted 34'702 times

Most entered in Internet search machines to get to this blog:

At Atigun Pass
1. the blue truck trip e-blog
2. topless blondes
3. atigun pass
4. the blue truck trip through the americas
5. richard halliburton

The most visitors have clicked in one of these countries:

Guatemaleans are among
 the top 10 visitors 
1. Switzerland 6'645
2. USA 4'345
3. Germany 621
4. Mexico 604
5. Canada 470
6. Rusia 413
7. UK 224
8. Costa Rica 188
9. Guatemala 100
10. Dutch Antilles 

At the Computer:

51% visit the blog from a Windows computer
31% from a Apple Macintosh
7% from an iPhone
5% from a Black Berry
1% from an iPad

30% use Apple's Safari browser
27% Internet Explorer
19% surf with Firefox
15% with Google Chrome
5% with a mobile browser

In summary you like pictures best, there you like pictures of the blue truck and the construction of it most. My personal favorite post "Baby you can drive my car" did not yet make it into the charts.

Thank you for visting my blog and being part of my trip. Come back soon!

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