Sunday, November 16, 2014

Who are all those people?

What's up with this post? All those folks, all those cars and trucks and no discriptions what so ever. Hey, now it is time to go and check out much more of it. The blue  trucks most visted site MEET & GREET has just been up-dated. 

So don't wait any longer CLICK HERE and find out about the WHO is WHO of the Panamericana. See who is driving a truck that does about 2.3 mpg or who is riding his bike all the way down the Carretera Austral.

Passionate Nature

Sometimes nature can get quit excited  about itself!

And show you all its passion... way...

...or the other.

"Look what I have for you honey!"

"I'll jump down the hill for you!"

Natural signs of passion...

...standing proud out there somewhere.

Having a good laugh is the healthiest thing there is!

No matter how passionate nature might be, there are always those "Oh Shit" Moments.

Keeping your loved ones in a safe place: "Don't mess with my nest!"

Loving couples playing together.

Love is all around!

Hey, this one is for you tree-huggers out there. Hang around long enough and you might get a kiss from that tree in return for your hug.

Wanna see more of it?

Visit the Beautiful Nature Gallery HERE 


Get all Passionate about Couples HERE.

A Kiss and...

...a happy passionate Sunday to you!